iOS Development

Enterprise Mobile App Development: Business Value

Does your business need to develop an enterprise mobile app? Here are the factors you’ll need to consider.
Austin Betzer
Posted on
October 20, 2021
Minute Read

In this era of mobile connectivity and technological advancement, it’s almost an unwritten requirement that businesses have mobile apps on the market to help them connect to their customers. But for larger businesses and companies, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They require larger, scalable, and trusted applications that can help connect both customers and employees throughout the company. These types of mobile apps are commonly referred to as mobile enterprise apps. This article intends to explore what they are, what kind of value they can add to a business, and where companies can turn to get them developed as quickly and effectively as possible. Please keep reading to learn more about enterprise mobile apps and why your business needs to adopt one today.

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What is a Mobile Enterprise Application, and Why are They Important for Businesses?

Enterprise mobile applications are a type of sophisticated software system created to meet the particular needs of large businesses and companies. They are built to make specific functions available to customers and employees based on the global goals and strategies of the companies they are designed for. These applications can add massive value to a business by expanding their reach and allowing them to conduct new forms of business quickly and efficiently while also reaching new demographics of potential customers.

Do you need the help of a strategic, hard-working development team to turn your dream app into an authentic, meaningful product that’s ready to take the market by storm? Consider contacting the experts at Strides today to learn about everything they can do for you.

The Three Levels of Enterprise Mobile Applications

While every large business needs a unique enterprise mobile app specifically designed to meet their needs, people should be aware of three primary levels of these apps: company-level, department-level, and employee-level. While there are more than a dozen different types of mobile enterprise apps that companies can develop- including partner apps, supply-chain apps, productivity apps, accounting apps, and more- they will generally fall into one of these three categories:


These apps can help every part of a company work together more effectively by encouraging them to engage with one another through a private, secure network. They also allow employees to contact one another, download documents, track their workflow, and more.


These apps can help boost productivity within and between different departments. For example, a Human Resources management app can help improve overall HR efficiency while also providing a way to address the issues of employees more efficiently.  


These apps tend to be simple and contain only a small list of special features, such as messaging tools to connect employees, task lists, and quick update notifications to inform needed individuals about new project information.

Related: Pain Points: Understand Customers to Build Better Apps

Why Should a Business Have an Enterprise Mobile Application?

Two men looking at their company’s enterprise mobile app on a smartphone.

Aside from helping to promote effortless communication between members of a company and their clients, there are several other reasons why large corporations should invest in developing a unique enterprise mobile app to help add substantial value to their business. These applications can:

  • Allow for easy transactional control and remote payment features, which is especially helpful for retail businesses.
  • Significantly improve data management and business operations by reducing paperwork and automating basic tasks.
  • Allow supervisors, managers, and other higher-ups to carefully track the performance of their employees and monitor the progression of their workflow.
  • Allow for automated onboarding processes and certification of new employees to save time and optimize the hiring and training process.
  • Enhance enterprise optimization by providing better supply chain control, allowing for improved planning, delivery, transportation, and organization.
  • Provide a superior level of support for clients to address their questions and concerns promptly.

Are you searching for the services of a top-quality development team to help you bring your brilliant app ideas to life? Reach out to Strides’ app-building experts today to learn how they can help bring your application to life in record time with zero stress.

How Do Enterprise Mobile Apps Serve Both Workers and Customers?

A man working at his laptop and looking at his company’s enterprise mobile app on his phone.

Every time an employee can solve a problem using a few commands on their phone, tablet, or computer, and every time a customer pays a bill or buys a product with their smartphone, it’s the result of a company’s decision to invest in an enterprise mobile application. This digital transformation has the high potential of significantly improving the performance and results of the enterprises that take them on, no matter what industry the company is operating in. They make employees’ work easier and faster to accomplish by helping them automate tasks, make decisions, and record their work. They also significantly improve the quality of the services customers receive. In short, when large companies and businesses take the opportunity to invest in enterprise mobile apps, they are helping to ensure that they can provide the best services possible to clients while optimizing the work done by employees.

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Who Should You Rely On to Construct Your Enterprise Mobile Application?

Not every business has employees on staff with the needed knowledge and abilities to properly construct an effective mobile app, let alone a massive enterprise mobile app. This means that you’ll need to rely on the help of outside experts to take your enterprise app ideas and turn them into a reality, and there’s no better option than the brilliant app developers over at Strides. Take a look at their range of expertly written resources and browse their services to learn about everything they can do to help you pull together the ultimate enterprise mobile application in record time. Connect with them through their website or reach out to them at to find out everything they can do for your business.

Austin Betzer
My only passion is helping others solve meaningful real-world problems. I will continue to do just that!

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